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Libe Green Innovation


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Our sustainable mission

Libe Green Innovation, a Tanzanian social enterprise founded in 2018, is dedicated to addressing the environmental crisis of plastic waste by integrating sustainable practices and fostering socio-economic growth. Their mission centers on reducing plastic pollution, enhancing recycling programs, and creating green jobs, particularly for women and youth. They transform collected plastic waste into valuable resources like recycled flakes and eco-friendly products, providing materials for the manufacturing industry while promoting waste management practices across public spaces. The enterprise is not only focused on environmental conservation but also committed to empowering marginalized groups. By providing waste pickers with protective equipment (PPE), health and safety training, and formal employment opportunities, Libe Green Innovation helps create dignified livelihoods, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)

Libe Green Innovation has been recognized both locally and internationally for its efforts. The organization’s innovative approach to waste management, including producing eco bottles and promoting plastic segregation bins in public spaces, is complemented by an educational component aimed at raising awareness about the importance of recycling and responsible consumption. Through their efforts, they aim to foster a circular economy in Tanzania, making strides in the global battle against plastic pollution This blend of environmental stewardship and socio-economic empowerment positions Libe Green Innovation as a transformative force in Tanzania, pushing forward the green economy by not only reducing environmental waste but also fostering community resilience and employment opportunities for those most in need

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Select amount$1 = 1kg

Please enter an amount between $1 and $933000 You are supporting the recovery of 5 kg of plastic.
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What is a Plastic Credit (PC)?

The Plastic Credit (PC) is an NFT. The PC is rooted in real recovery data and is accessible for anyone to view. The information is stored on the blockchain for transparency, and traceability and is represented as a digital certificate.

A PC is proof that plastic was recovered and recycled.

You will receive the PC when you support the recovery of plastic. The images shown are from the flora & fauna from the location where the plastic is recovered.

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