Info about the recycling
Thalassains is committed to preserving the Red Sea, our purpose is to help create a sustainable future in Egypt. Our project started after observing the overwhelming increase in plastics found on our Red sea coasts and reefs. While our Thalassains crew recovers harmful plastics and waste that’s already polluting the Red Sea. Our team will work to stop plastic pollution at its source by educating locals and visitors with the necessary knowledge, and tools they need to help us Guard The Sea!
Est. yearly recycling amount
1,000 kilograms of plastic
Legal name
SeifYousef Inc
Tax ID
746804004 RT0001
Fiscal address
2792 Signal Hill Heights SW
Recovery Zone
Postal code
T3H 2J1
Select amount$1 = 1kg
157 kg. of plastic is recovered.
only 5,843 kg. left to meet our next goal